About Us

RJ Response Services was first developed by Ex Senior Prison Officer Rob Jackson in 2015 after a family member had a stroke at home. Due to the time it took to get the initial help needed, Rob who is a practising Lean Process management consultant, was determined to discover why and see if it was possible to improve the existing system.

This Discovery process resulted in the service that is now in operation today. The time it takes for a person in need to speak to their responder is down from minutes to 20 seconds.

RJ Response Services have fully trained responders who are able to talk to you instantly and arrange for the best outcomes for you within seconds and crucially whilst they are on their way to help you.

Rob developed the system based on the existing telephone technology providing support for people on the Community Alarm scheme who don't have two key holders who can respond if they get a call from the Hospital Switchboard.

He also developed and delivered a Digital Network which is connected via the mobile phone system with support from Jersey Telecom. This means that we can support people outside of their home, in fact almost anywhere in the world using JT supported technology.

This system not only connects us to you within 20 seconds but it tells us where you are at the same time. The benefit for Rob's family member is that she can now sit in the garden, tend her tomatoes in the green house without fear of falling and nobody being able to hear her calling for help.

For older and more vulnerable people to have a chance of doing things they hadn't been able to do for years, means they stay fitter and healthier for longer. The positive affects are visible as their confidence grows, greatly improving their well-being and very often their general health and fitness as well.

Mission Statement

Our Aim is to provide a high quality, immediate, non intrusive, person-centred, response and welfare support service.

To deliver the right support at a time of need, in a non discriminatory and sensitive manner reflecting the wishes of our clients.

To work closely with clients, their families, primary care teams, occupational therapists, social workers, charities and other healthcare professionals, to deliver the right first response and welfare support at exactly the right time.

Thereby further enabling our clients and promoting, enhanced independent living both in the home and out in the wider community.

Meet the RJ Family


Rob Jackson

Email: rob@atlanticsecurity.je

Office: 01534 828720

Mobile: 07797 715409

Registered Manager

Jon Mauger

Email: jon@response.je

Office: 01534 828720

Mobile: 07797 799898

Registered Deputy Manager

Marie-Louise Abraham

Email: lou@response.je

Office: 01534 828720

Mobile: 07797 936828